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Image by Remson Pellisserry

Hannah Brooks, Relationship and
Marriage Coach for HSP

Hannah Brooks Relationship Coaching for Highly Sensitive People
Hannah Brooks Relationship Coaching for Highly Sensitive People
Hannah Brooks Relationship Coaching for Highly Sensitive People
Hannah Brooks Relationship Coaching for Highly Sensitive People

"Working with Hannah has been absolutely life-changing for me. My relationship with my husband is the best it has ever been in over 30 years of marriage!"

"I’ve created new levels of intimacy with my husband that we have never experienced before. I feel stronger in my abilities to not only communicate and interact with him but also to support myself. Both the financial and time investments are well worth it, and if I had to go back in time, I would definitely make the same choice and do Treasured again!"


~ Gina​

I can't get over how beautiful my relationship is now after these months with Hannah. It's almost surreal.

"It's almost like we are totally different people now. Neither of us imagined we'd ever be in this place. Our relationship is so strong and so deep now. We've come to a place where we truly GET each other. We even lovingly deal with conflict. It’s incredible.


 "And the work that I've done with Hannah on my partnership propelled me to heal the next relationship... I patched things up with my mom after months of not talking to her. I now realize I'm the one in control of how I feel about her and relate to her. I'm so much more peaceful and feel so much more comfort and security--so much lighter, like a huge weight has been lifted.


I'm feeling pretty good about myself! It’s a whole different mindset for me in my relationships--and with my job, too. I really feel this shift in all these major areas! It's life-changing! It's tremendous! I can't thank Hannah enough."


~Sam, Canada

Finally, a program that gets to the core of our relationship problems

We’ve been through many years and forms of marriage counseling that all seemed to leave us frustrated and unimproved. Finally, a program that gets to the core of our relationship problems 

(which of course are the issues we both bring to the relationship).

Initially it’s working on your own self that WILL gently and lovingly lead your partner to see the changing relationship dynamics. Amazingly they’re WILLING to make the necessary changes in themselves. This program has not only helped us get our loving relationship back but it has helped us both recognize and resolve some individual problems we each brought to the marriage. Our relationship is so much stronger than it’s ever been.


I can’t say enough about her dedication and commitment to helping relationships thrive and the unique approach to relationships that Hannah takes in the Treasured program. It works!!!!


~Kathy, USA

Things are going really well are my partner and I -- to the next level

We're under contract on a new home and we're talking about engagement rings!"




Things are feeling so sweet. I keep asking myself, ‘Is this for real?’

​“Things are so much better between us! It’s amazing. We’ve had some big breakthroughs and things are feeling so sweet. I keep peeling back these critical judgements I used to have of him and I feel so much more lightness and acceptance in their place. Because of that shift in me, he feels safer and relaxed in my presence and he's trusting me enough to open up and share things with me he wouldn’t have before. We are laughing a lot and having more fun and connection than ever. I feel so much more of a sense of synchrony, a sense that we are on each other’s side. I keep asking myself, ‘Is this for real?’!”


~A. VT

I feel so much love, support, and deep interest from him. I’ve always wanted to be able to say about a man “I feel like he’s my safe space! “ Now I can

"Before we started, I was struggling with feeling insecure and jealous in my relationship, and insecure in myself. I was worried that maybe we weren't meant to be together, that it would always be this way, that we'd never find a way out of struggling with conflict or deal with difficult conversations. I was feeling time pressure to make a "decision." 


But after working with Hannah, I’m feeling really secure and confident, calm, steady, accepted, loving, warm-- a glowy gratitude. AND so much better about myself, In general.  It's led to us reuniting in such a great way, feeling so connected and secure. And I’m not feeling needy or threatened and have less worry about the future. Things I would have gotten upset about I'm not anymore! It’s a completely different mindset!


Because of me doing this work, we're both more confident in ourselves and each other's ability to communicate honestly and openly. We have had so much growth and many important conversations lately, and we are feeling so grateful to have each other. He now asks me “How can I support you?”.


I feel so much love, support, and deep interest from him. I’ve always wanted to be able to say about a man “I feel like he’s my safe space! “ Now I can."


~Lauren, USA

This was one of the best investments – if not THE best investment – I've ever made!

"If you are at all on the fence about working with Hannah, don't be. DON’T HESITATE! Just go do it! You have zero to lose, and absolutely so so much to gain!! Your monetary investment, your time investment, it will be so worth it! I have a lot of experience with investing my money and time and I can tell you, this was one of the best investments –if not THE best investment of both that I have ever made!


If you are struggling in your marriage, if it's not the marriage you hoped it would be, don't hesitate one tiny bit to join Treasured! You will not just be doing this just for yourself, you're doing it for your marriage, for your spouse, your family. . .you're doing it for your future as well.


This is not a one-time or a little short period you will reap the benefits of. . .You will reap the benefits of this learning and coaching for months and years down the road. It is an investment that will pay high high dividends for the rest of your life. . .  Go do it!"


~Sonya, TX

He has started to show me love and affection again! 

​"Though I was unsure if I could improve things in my marriage before taking the leap to coach with Hannah, the loving email I received from my husband yesterday--which took my breath away and made my heart skip a beat all at once-- was more than enough proof that the work I am doing on myself and our relationship in this program IS working.


    After only a month working with Hannah, I am a calmer, more consistent version of myself. I am enjoying the shift in myself - it feels good to be able to tackle difficult and confronting situations in a different way, with calm and poise and grace - this is a HUGE change for me.


As a result my husband has shifted too - he has come forward, he has started to show me love and affection again, in his own way. He’s showing me small snippets of affection - holding my hand, wrapping his arm around my shoulder from time to time and has started to refer to ‘we’ and ‘us’ again, which had disappeared for a while. I know I am on my way back to a deep, loving relationship with him, and it feels so good."


~ Donna, Australia

We've been really reviving our relationship on all levels.

"Before starting to work with Hannah, my husband was telling me he didn’t want to be with me anymore. I was very afraid of the future. But I now see a positive future together again! I would not have developed the relationship skills I now have without Hannah’s guidance. I can now respond calmly instead of reacting and saying things that make things worse. And we actually come up with solutions together for problems that arise. We've been really reviving our relationship on all levels. Because I am now able to be more loving and compassionate, he feels more supported by me and is says he wants to make this work, and is showing it through his actions. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for this program."


~K.B. Germany

I feel deeply connected to myself and to my husband. 

 "After 4 years of being married, I felt unfulfilled, uninspired and overall dull in my relationship with my husband. The spark between us was gone.  Having Hannah’s support, gentle guidance and her completely nonjudgmental approach and openness created a possibility for me to let go of that which was keeping me small, restricted and unfulfilled in myself and in my relationship with my husband.


As a result, my relationship with my husband is as magical and deep as it’s ever been. I feel incredibly inspired about our future and the possibilities that lie ahead. I feel deeply connected to myself and to my husband. " 


~ Yulia Azriel, IN

When you make an investment in a program like this you're helping yourself show up fully to the change work that you want to do– and that's invaluable.

It's the act of making the commitment and putting in that investment that helps keep your feet to the fire around making change . . .and let's be honest change is uncomfortable and healing even more so-- these are not easy things to do! 


All of us need support – and accountability support – when we're trying to do things differently and hold ourselves accountable for making real change. When you make an investment in a program like this you're helping yourself show up fully to the change work that you want to do– and that's invaluable."


~Emma, USA

Hannah took me from totally broken to a better place as a person than I have EVER been before.

​Hannah took me from totally broken (after my husband of 32 years betrayed me)  to a better place as a person than I have EVER been before. I have NEVER felt so good in my whole life. I feel whole just being me. No one's ever been able to sort me out before. But now here I am 6 months later - SORTED! I'm strong, feel in control of myself, so much more confident and like I truly matter. And I feel so grateful for everything in my life.


It's just so good to be me! I feel there's nothing I can't do if I want to now. On top of all that, I had my first date since my divorce on Saturday evening! (Social distanced) It went really well. I am so enjoying myself!  


Hannah is such a wise and kind person. I wholeheartedly recommend her. She can make things better for you.

~ Julie, UK

My relationship is way more harmonious since working with Hannah!

I came to her to see if I could work out some very old deeply-rooted destructive patterns and beliefs about intimacy and partnership that were keeping me unhappy with my current relationship. I had been feeling stuck and drained and frustrated. Hannah’s gentle guidance & keen insights during our very first session brought me into a place of deep peace, acceptance and true understanding. I was really amazed by her ability to cut right to the core of what was going on for me & my partner, and turn my perspective around. I cried tears of relief and understanding.


Now, after every session, I feel comforted, reassured and empowered, much lighter, more hopeful and at ease in my body, mind and heart (rather than anxious and afraid like I used to after therapy!). I also laugh a lot, as Hannah has a knack for keeping it light. She is a genius at what she does.  I feel so grateful to have her on my team.


~ A.B. USA

"I got so much more out of working with you for months than I did out of years of therapy! 

Things now are really, really good with my partner, better than ever. We have been showing each other so much love and tenderness, and things just feel so much easier and lighter. 


I’m not as likely to get in a funky mood as before because I tend to my emotions better as they arise...I’m much more confident in myself, less prone to jealousy and have more self-love, a lot less self-judgement. I’m not as anxious about things overall.


All this and more translates to my relationship! He says the sweetest things about being so grateful to be with me and how we can even turn a bad moment around. 


You’re a wise voice in my head, and I still feel so supported and uplifted by you. I loved working with you because of your authenticity, care, deep listening, non-judgment, vulnerability, and support and honoring of my growth. You bring an intuition to your work – you sense where I’m at emotionally and know just how much to challenge and push me on old patterns of thinking and doing. It was challenging in the most rewarding way because I really saw real progress as I implemented the coaching. My LIFE is so better overall and I feel so much gratitude for you!

~ L. L. USA

"We are laughing, loving and having fun!!"

"I've never had so much growth in my self-awareness as when working with Hannah.

Coaching worked better for me than therapy as it is direct, fast and effective compared to traditional therapy.


I used to stuff my feelings, hide them to get by (or even run off and hide when they came up) and I'd always end up feeling unimportant to my husband. With Hannah’s help, I now share my feelings and communicate authentically in a loving way. I’m taking care of myself, asking for what I need, and it's inspired him to look at and take action on his own issues. I'm now able to get across to  him (in a very loving, kind way), what's important to me.


AND he has surprised me with his responses that are open, humble and loving.


I now trust that he loves me, and know he wants to make it work. I’m very happy with my ‘new’ husband and love the man he is. We are laughing, loving and having FUN!! This program is very powerful and extremely helpful to me personally and in my relationships. I highly recommend Hannah to anyone who wants to grow in LOVE."


~ Mara, North Carolina

My partner and I are doing better than ever and I feel  100% confident in our relationship and that we can get through anything together. 

I am now feeling so content within myself, so peaceful, so strong. For the first time I feel whole and that feeling has informed every area of my life. Everything I need is within and I feel safe and protected –by my own self. My partner and I are doing better than ever and I feel  100% confident in our relationship and that we can get through anything together. This coaching has truly helped me change my life– truly. 



All the good stuff is just flowing between me and my man thanks to coaching with Hannah.

It's such a lovely feeling to be empowered to be a love leader in your relationship. It feels right emotionally and spiritually. When we women step into this we have such successful relationships. Because what we get in return is absolute devotion. What men really want is to love and adore us!



I laugh more with my partner and feel like we have more fun, and I also feel more love and appreciation

After working with Hannah in Treasured, I feel more hopefulness and more pleasure and enjoyment from the parts of my life not in my relationship,  and also the parts IN my relationship! I definitely laugh more with my partner and feel like we have more fun, and I also feel more love and appreciation. I also feel more Pride, too! Because I feel pride when I know that I'm acting in a way that's also making the relationship feel better, and my husband feel better, too.”  


~Rockie, USA

We're having more positive lighter interactions, more enjoyable conversation even laughter!

I'm feeling down much less and we're having much less conflict!



Since I started working with Hannah my relationship has become more solid than it has ever been

"My partner wrote me the most loving card on Valentine's Day which was BIG for him! It never would have happened before doing this program. The great changes are showing in so many ways. Not just my relationship with my partner. In my health, in my relationship with my sister and my mom… "



"I couldn't imagine this version of myself that I have grown into by working with Hannah.

She has guided me to envision who I want to be, and how to return to this deeply safe, heart centered and wisely loving self when the normal winds of life and love blow me a little off-course. I am so grateful for her guidance." 



"Hannah integrates all best practices in her work with individuals and couples."

I was amazed at how she was able to balance very complex theories around the nervous system, trauma, neuroscience, and ultimately hone in on what works. She combines the skills and knowledge of a well-trained therapist with the skills of a well-trained coach and her lucky clients get the best of both worlds. I highly recommend Hannah."


~Maggie, USA

"Hannah is an amazing relationship coach with techniques geared towards Highly Sensitive Personalities."

Before finding Hannah, I did not realize what it meant to be an HSP - now I realize I am not alone! Hannah gave me the tools to create better interactions in my marriage that greatly improved our relationship as well as my life outlook overall. Her coaching program provides not only one-on-one coaching but also very detailed videos and workbooks that will be useful to me for the rest of my life. I highly recommend HSP Marriage Coaching for anyone wanting to improve their relationships, especially those with high sensitivity."


~Luanne H. USA

"I feel so much love and I am so loved!"

Coaching with Hannah has made an enormous difference in my life. I feel so much love and I am so loved!



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