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You Can Enjoy More Of The Connection You Want

Last week we talked about some of the ways men and women are different when it comes to connection and how this is due to differences in how our brains are wired. (Of course this is a generalization-- one I've found very helpful for healing our relationships with each other).

I know you want real connection with your man, and if you are like me and my clients, the sweetness of those moments is pretty much the essence of love for you.

So, what if, despite your differences, you could feel that connection way more than you do now? Without doing anything to "change" him?

If that sounds intriguing to you, listen to today's audio blog episode: You Can Enjoy More Of The Connection You Want.

I've spent so much time with them and worked to "get them" deeply. Did you know I've had 2 dads, 3 brothers, 3 sons, 2 husbands, and for years mentored many men around mental-emotional well-being? (That's me with my sons on the right). So I wanted to offer you some my own insights into them--straight from my mouth-- so you can feel more of the sweet intimacy you want ​​with your man.

Click below to listen!

Here's the description:

Women these days (me, included!) want more out of a love relationship than we used to. But, when we don’t get the depth of connection we crave, it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with our man or our relationship. We can still have deep connection.

Since men and women are born different, and you can’t make a man into your best girlfriend, it’s important to appreciate your man as he is-- even if his natural ways of connecting and feeling bonded aren’t quite the same as yours. Otherwise you end up fighting a battle you both lose.

In this fun episode I offer some ways that can feel really satisfying to connect with your husband, and give you a powerful insight and action step you can take to feel more of the sweet intimacy you want with him. You’ll feel so much happier with your relationship when you get good at this skill! Listen above by clicking on image.

Next time we'll take it even further as I offer you ways to gently take the reins, lead, and encourage your man to connect in ways that are even more deeply fulfilling for you. Stay tuned!

So, how are you going to put this into practice? What do you think will be your next opportunity to do so? Share with us in the comments below.


I Was Featured In My Coaches Blog! SPOTLIGHT: HANNAH BROOKS

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