Are you ready to hear some comforting and encouraging words? Today I have for you the most inspiring, educational, and truly empowering audio episode yet, in my humble opinion! And it’s essential listening if you really want your relationship with your significant other to evolve and improve.
This final episode should bring you a sense of comfort and encouragement (and giggles) and the kind of hope that creates proactivity —which will change your life.
How To Stop Your Brain From Cheating You Out Of The Love You Want:
As human beings we get in our own way when it come to reaching our goals sometimes. I know it’s not always easy to reflect on where we are holding ourselves back from having the love we want in our lives (and I celebrate you for being willing to do so!). It really helps to understand this isn’t actually our “fault” and understand it has to do with how our brains are wired.
This final episode in the “5 Reasons Things Aren’t Improving In Your Love Life” series is packed-full of truth, comfort, and hope. It will help you feel WAY better about why things aren’t as easy to change as you wish…and give you some ideas about how to get your brain working FOR you instead of against you when it comes to love. Come listen for some fun stories and laugh along with me about how MY brain sabotages my goals, and what to do about it when your does, too. Click below to listen (or here if player doesn't load).
Helpful links:
Email me at hannah@lifeisworthloving.com.
I know it’s not always easy to reflect on the places we may be keeping ourselves unhappy and have growing to do—especially around the things that are most close to our heart, like our intimate relationship. It can feel humbling —or just plain hard! But a willingness to face our obstacles is the only way to begin overcoming them.
That's why listening to and reflecting on all 5 episodes in this series is something you should be proud of…I have so much respect for you for showing up and listening to them. That's how the magic of change begins.