Today is a quick dip into an absolutely ESSENTIAL part of building and maintaining a great relationship with your significant other: consciously fostering fondness of them. (You’ll do it in just 5 minutes!)
And yes, you CAN absolutely feel more warmth, admiration and love for them on purpose, and build in more of all the good stuff between you and your spouse.
A solid body of research about what makes marriages work indicates (and my clients experience confirms) that it will make your marriage stronger, your friendship deeper, and even the passion in your relationship more alive.
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to let this piece slide (or just not know HOW to do it!). Then things tend to feel worse and worse in our relationships.
Luckily there are many ways to actively build a stronger sense of fondness for this person you've chosen to spend your life with– and only good things will come out of it, when you know how and actually put them into practice.
Today, I give you a quick boost of fondness and love via my 5 minute process (just 5 quick questions for you to answer)!
So dig in below or via Apple Podcasts (and I'd love for you to leave a review!), or Stitcher, PlayerFM, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, or Pandora (Not seeing your preferred podcast listening platform? It's on most, so search for "Highly Sensitive, Happily Married" there!)
I also mention how there are 3 core areas that are at the very SOURCE of what goes wrong in all marriages–and what will make them go well. Just ONE of these areas is most important for YOU to focus on first — and when you make some good changes in that area, you will see your relationship improve quickly.
Which area is it for YOU? Take my 2 minute free quiz below to find out:
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