If you feel resentment or annoyance often, if you feel burdened by all that you have do for your marriage, or if you feel you get walked all over, it’s quite possible you aren’t saying “NO” enough to your husband.
But the trouble is, you may also feel guilty or uncomfortable:
saying no
not doing what he wants you to do
or doing what you prefer over what he prefers.
What if you could say no and not tolerate things you don’t want to from him --and feel good about it? And even get him on board with it, too?
What if you could see yourself as a good and loving partner even if you don’t do things just to please your husband?
Listen to this episode to learn how you can do just that with 4 simple shifts in how you think about and do things, and thereby, surprisingly, make your marriage more respectful, genuinely happier, and more loving!
It starts by clearing up a big confusion many of us sensitives have about what being a loving wife looks like, and learning what being loving really means.
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