If you want to avoid falling into a “rut” – or are already in one in your relationship–this episode is for you.
We dive into a short review of why ruts (what I call "disenchantment") happen, and how they are actually just a phase that can, with your help, propel you into something better than ever in your marriage: What I call "Real-Enchantment".
This is a more mature, evolved, deeper, and more genuine love than you’ve known before, where you feel more love and connection and sense of being a team in life than EVER.
It’s what you’ve always wanted– and what I want for you. Listen in to learn:
What it will be like when you get there,
What it takes: the 3 simple things you must get good at to guide your own marriage there
What someone who is on the way to Real-Enchantment–or who is already there– is DOING on the regular
A specific example to illustrate these things from a clients real life
The next steps to learning these things
And why you, as an HSP, are best suited to shift your marriage into Real-enchantment.
It’s so important to have a visual–an idea of what it looks like in real life–to make your marriage into the loving, lighthearted, connected one you want. This episode provides that, and gives you the next tangible steps to take to make this come alive in your own life.
Grab the free training here: Bring Back The Attraction; 7 Keys To Sparking More Of That Magical Appeal You Used To Feel.
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