We almost all get triggered (upset, reactive, bothered, suddenly overcome with emotion) at times in our intimate relationship, especially as highly sensitive people. Although so common, it’s also a big contributing factor in marital unhappiness.
To put an end to the yucky feelings and damaging effects that being triggered can have on your marriage, you’ve got to learn what’s going on when you get triggered, why it happens (it might not be what you think it is), who’s causing you to be triggered, and how to calm and even outgrow your triggers.
Listen in for all of that, and to hear about the 3 things that cause certain words, tones of voice, expressions on your partner's face, things they do, or events to be triggering trigger to you, and what it will take to ease or eliminate those triggers altogether (and what won't work!).
With personal and client stories woven throughout, this episode gets you started on the path of working through what upsets you and your sensitive system compassionately, so you can put an end to being triggered and have the light, connected, supportive relationship you were born for as a sensitive woman.
Listen in here or below to find out how you can, too!
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Learn more and join the waitlist for Treasured, Hannah's marriage coaching program for sensitive women, HERE.