We have a TON of sway over how we feel on a daily, hourly, and even minute by minute basis–as well as on our ability to connect in the deepest, sweetest, most loving ways with our loved ones.
So very much of this comes down to which part of our nervous system is activated at the moment, and knowing how to activate the parts of it we want “on”, and deactivate the parts we want “off”.
There are very specific steps and skills to doing so, of course. In this episode, I give you 4 Quick hacks to get back to calmness, ease, and lightness--really to intentionally shift into the parts of your nervous system that allow you to feel calm, light, at ease, grounded, connected, playful, relaxed, and joyful.
You’ll learn about when use them, what they help with, and exactly how to do them, so you can try them out for yourself, and get a taste of being in the nervous system states that not only FEEL the very best, but also allow for the best connection, communication, and interactions with your loved ones.
You’ll also find out why patching together “hacks” like these, although helpful, are not the full solution, and what else you need to make happen if you want to truly develop nervous system resilience and regulation, so you can spend the majority of your waking time feeling calmness, ease, and lightness, and be at your emotional and relational best. Dive in and start feeling better right away.
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