Ever felt that stinging (or punch-in-the-gut) feeling when your partner says or does something hurtful? Or maybe it’s something he doesn't do that leads to you feeling like he just doesn’t care. Like you don’t matter. Like you aren’t loved.
Normal for everyone, for highly sensitive women and deep-feeling women, this is extra common.
It may very well be true that your partner could be more skillful in his interactions with you. At the same time, so much of the hurt you feel in these moments comes from taking things personally. (Even if you may not think you do so, listen in to find out for real, because it is a human brain thing, and most people do it to some degree. Plus, seeing it is the first step to ending hurt in intimate relationships.)
And you can put an end to that NOW.
And you want to. Because taking things personally doesn't just hurt–it costs us big time in our intimate relationships, leading to all sorts of AVOIDABLE pain. . . and diminishment of affection and connection.
I, too, used to take all sorts of things personally, and it hurt me and my marriage. I spent years learning how to put an end to that unnecessary pain, and replace it with the closeness, ease and love I want between my husband and I. I want that for you to.
As you learn to not take things so personally, it will free you up to have way more of the support, connection and loving intimacy you want with your partner.
Listen in to this updated and re-release essential episode, where I dive into 3 big keys to stop taking things so personally so you can feel less hurt and more love everyday of your life.
And don't miss the announcement about the short course you can take to make your habit of taking things personally a thing of the past for you.
Listen and subscribe via Apple Podcasts (and I'd love for you to leave a review!), or Stitcher, PlayerFM, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Google Podcasts, or Pandora--or below. (Not seeing your preferred podcast listening platform? It's on most, so search for "Highly Sensitive, Happily Married" there!)
SHOW NOTES: Click here to learn about and join THE STOP TAKING IT SO PERSONALLY COURSE -- 7 steps to less hurt and more love every day of your life.
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